Tuesday, March 11, 11:53 pm

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Rookie ball division


***Game cancellations will be made by the league and posted on the website.  The league will hold of on cancellations as long as they can in order to try and get the games in.  These cancellations could be made up to 30 minutes before game time.***


  1. Games will be three innings in length or 1 hour and 15 minutes. Do not start an inning after 1 hour


  1. The coaches will give each batter 3 pitches. If the batter does not hit one of the 3 pitches, the batter will get 1 swing off the Tee to get the ball in play.  Should the batter not hit one of the 3 pitches or the 1 swing off the Tee, he will be out.


  1. Treat every play like a force play (touch the base for the out). Should an unforced runner really show knowledge and returns to his base knowingly, give hime the benefit of the doubt.


  1. Every player will be inserted into the batting order every inning. Everyone bats.  Try your best to rotate your batting order every inning.


  1. When the last batter in up, the only way to stop the play is by throwing the ball home and having the catcher touch the plate, or if a fly ball in caught.


  1. One coach is permitted on the playing field to assist defensive players. Two coaches are permitted at first and third base when their team is batting.


  1. There will be a maximum of nine defensive players in the field at any time.